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BBEdit Lite 4.0
About BBEdit Lite
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About BBEdit Lite
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BBEdit Lite is a freeware derivative of BBEdit 4.0, the popular and
critically acclaimed text and HTML editor for Web authors, programmers,
on-line-service users, and anyone else who needs to edit plain-text
BBEdit Lite is shipped with a QuickStart document which describes many
of the application’s features. Full documentation, as well as a
considerable amount of additional functionality, is available with the
purchase of BBEdit 4.0. See the document “How do I order BBEdit 4.0” for
details on obtaining your own copy of BBEdit.
We are committed to providing continued support for BBEdit Lite by
responding to individual questions and inquiries, as well as in
providing fixes for Lite, and improvements in its functionality. We will
announce any future changes or updates to Lite via the comp.sys.mac.*
newsgroups, as well as by providing information and downloadable
versions on our Web and ftp sites. We regret that we cannot offer
telephone or fax support for BBEdit Lite; if you have any suggestions,
comments, or questions regarding Lite, please send us email at
Feature Overview
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BBEdit Lite offers the following useful functionality:
• Stationery documents. You can create a stationery document with
BBEdit; whenever you open that document with BBEdit, its contents,
format information, and window position will be used to create a new
untitled window. You can also create a “global” stationery document
which will be used as a template for all new windows.
• Open Several. This variation on the standard “Open…” command
enables you to open multiple files at once from multiple locations in
the file system. You can also specify aliases to files, and those
aliases will be resolved all at once. (Hold down the Option key while
pulling down the File menu to see the “Open Several” command.)
• Powerful multi-file search. BBEdit offers the usual multi-file
search, in which a disk directory is scanned and the files are opened
one at a time; however, BBEdit can also display the search results in a
window for easy browsing (and selected entries in the window can be
opened for display). The search can also be limited to files that are
already opened for editing in BBEdit, or to files which were already
found in a previous multi-file search. BBEdit also offers multi-file
replace capability for automated “search and destroy” operations.
• Zero cost. BBEdit Lite is free, with no qualification. It is not a
shareware or commercial product. It is not a demo version, and there is
no expectation that you will buy anything.
BBEdit Lite also offers the following:
• High quality. BBEdit Lite is based on mature and stable technology;
this technology is the beneficiary of years of in-house and field use
and testing. The commitment to quality and functionality shown in BBEdit
4.0 is reflected in BBEdit Lite.
• File size limited only by available memory. BBEdit Lite’s default
partition size is 1148K (only 640K with VM or RAMDoubler) of RAM. This
can be set as low as 450K, to make BBEdit Lite the ideal
constantly-resident editor for small to moderate tasks, or turned up as
high as necessary to edit many large files or perform large-scale
search-and-replace operations. BBEdit Lite automatically takes advantage
of available system memory, so that you don’t have to adjust its
partition size to edit large files.
• No hard limit on number of files open. The number of files that
BBEdit Lite can have open at once is limited by available memory, and
can be increased or decreased by adjusting BBEdit Lite’s partition size
as appropriate.
• Easy manipulation of multiple files at once. The “Open Several…”
command makes it possible to open multiple files from different folders
at once, and the Save and Print commands can operate on all open files
at once. (Hold down the Option key while pulling down the File menu to
see the “Open Several…” command.
• Pattern (“grep”) searching. Matching patterns can be constructed so
that strings other than exact literal matches can be found and replaced;
for example, converting Pascal comments to C comments, or converting C++
comments to C comments.
• Drag & Drop Editing. BBEdit Lite now includes support for Macintosh
Drag & Drop, both for internal editing operations, and for exchanging data
with other applications, or creating text clippings in the Finder.
• High performance. BBEdit Lite 4.0 now includes PowerMac native code
support. Try and enjoy.
The document “BBEdit Lite Quickstart” contains specific information on
how to take advantage of BBEdit Lite’s capabilities. If you would like
to write BBEdit extensions, we offer a BBEdit extension developer’s kit,
which includes documentation on how to write your own extensions, as
well as source code for several sample extensions. A copy of the BBEdit
Extension SDK is available from our Web site:
or from of our FTP site:
as well as from Info-Mac mirror sites, in the /info-mac/text/bb
directory, and by U.S. mail sent to Bare Bones Software at the address
listed below. If you are sending your request via mail, please include a
blank floppy disk and sufficient return postage.
BBEdit Lite has many of the same capabilities as the commercial BBEdit;
however, the following capabilities of the commercial BBEdit are -not-
present in BBEdit Lite:
- BBEdit Lite cannot use the HTML Tools packages supplied with the
full version;
- BBEdit Lite does not support integration with Internet service
applications (such as Web browsers and FTP clients);
- BBEdit Lite is not scriptable;
- BBEdit Lite does not include an integrated spelling checker;
- BBEdit Lite's use of Macintosh Drag and Drop is limited to dragging
and dropping of text while editing. Commercial versions of BBEdit make
more comprehensive use of drag-and-drop operations.
- Find Differences (comparing files, folders, and projects) is not
- QuickSearch (an incremental search facility) is not provided;
- There is no option for split windows
- Disk browsers are not available, and you can only have one Search
Results window open at a time;
- PopupFuncs™ technology is not built in (you can, however, obtain
and install PopupFuncs 2.8 or later into BBEdit Lite);
- BBEdit Lite cannot open or browse project documents;
- Integration with THINK C, Symantec C++, CodeWarrior, and THINK
Reference is not supported;
- ToolServer is not supported;
- The Glossary function is not supported;
- Marker support is not provided;
- BBEdit Lite does not support Apple Guide and Balloon Help for
active assistance in using its capabilities.
- BBEdit Lite does not support the PowerTalk mail system;
- XTND translation is not supported;
In addition to the specific capabilities listed here, BBEdit 4.0
contains a large number of refinements and smaller capabilities that are
not present in BBEdit Lite.
About BBEdit 4.0
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BBEdit 4.0 is an industrial-strength text editor for use by software
developers, HTML authors, engineers, scientists, telecommunications
users, and anyone else who needs to view, edit and manipulate plain-text
documents with maximum flexibility and performance. BBEdit 4.0 is an
ideal companion for CodeWarrior, THINK C, Symantec C++, THINK Pascal,
MPW, and THINK Reference users. With BBEdit 4.0, you can:
- Use BBEdit 4.0 in conjunction with Metrowerks CodeWarrior (version
1.2 or later required) to compile source files, and run and debug
- Take advantage of integrated HTML editing tools and integration
with Internet services to create and edit World Wide Web content.
- Use an integrated HTML-aware spell checker with a 100,000+ word
dictionary to correct typographical and spelling errors;
- quickly and easily edit files residing on remote Internet (FTP)
file servers, via "Open from FTP" and "Save to FTP" commands;
- Read, compose, and send PowerTalk mail messages via AOCE;
- Use Macintosh Drag and Drop (included) for text editing and in
various parts of the user interface;
- Automate operations via AppleScript, Frontier 3.0, or any other
OSA-compliant scripting system;
- Use integrated PopupFuncs™ technology to quickly navigate C, C++,
Java, Pascal, Fortran, 68K assembler, Perl, HTML, Tcl, GuideScript, TeX,
and ScriptX source files;
- Browse and search source files in CodeWarrior, THINK C/Symantec
C++, and THINK Pascal project documents;
- Use BBEdit 4.0 in conjunction with Symantec C++ (version 6.0 or
later required) to compile source files and run projects;
- Use ToolServer to execute MPW Shell scripts for building MPW-based
applications and other MPW-driven tasks, as well as MPW 411-based
Toolbox searches;
- Use THINK Reference 2.0, MPW 411, or Macintosh Programmer’s Toolbox
Assistant to search for Toolbox symbols and insert Toolbox call
- Open disk browser windows to easily navigate the directory
structures of any mounted volumes and view files quickly and easily;
- Take advantage of integrated Claris XTND translation to translate
text files to and from popular word-processor formats;
- Use a glossary to store commonly-used pieces of text for insertion
with a single keystroke;
- Easily compare text files, folders, and projects via a built-in
differences engine and browser;
- Split editing windows for easier navigation and reference;
- Enjoy many other technical advancements and refinements made since
the original release of BBEdit.
In addition, BBEdit 4.0 is delivered on CD-ROM with full electronic
documentation, a complete collection of BBEdit extensions contributed by
BBEdit users from all over the world, demo versions of ours and other
developers’ products, and product information and special offers from
select third-party developers. (Customers who don’t have a CD-ROM drive
or who desire a printed and bound manual can obtain disk/manual sets at
nominal extra cost.)
Additional information on BBEdit 4.0’s capabilities, and instructions on
how to upgrade, are contained in the enclosed documents “What is BBEdit
4.0” and “How do I order BBEdit 4.0”.
BBEdit Lite is a freely distributable, copyrighted program, otherwise
known as “freeware”. There is no registration process, no fee requested
or required, no obligation on your part, and no guilt.
We at Bare Bones Software do not subscribe to the concept of
“shareware”; it has been our direct experience that many people simply
ignore shareware notices. The cost of goods related to distributing
BBEdit Lite is very low, and can be recouped by means other than
(unsuccessfully) trying to shame users into paying some small amount of
money for a program.
We believe that when users of a program make the financial sacrifice to
obtain a piece of software, they should expect, and receive, significant
value added. This is why a commercial distribution of BBEdit exists.
If you feel compelled to pay us for BBEdit Lite, don’t. If you need the
capabilities that the commercial version of BBEdit has to offer, we
encourage you to order your own copy of BBEdit. See “How do I order
BBEdit 4.0” for information on how to do it.
License Requirements
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Although BBEdit Lite is free, it is not “public domain”. It is a
copyrighted software program, and Bare Bones Software, Inc. reserves
all rights; therefore:
• BBEdit Lite cannot be sold, either by itself or in combination with
any other product, without the express written permission of Bare Bones
Software, Inc.
• If you are a user group which is publishing a CD-ROM or floppy
collection, you may include BBEdit Lite and all of its related files
without restriction, save that the entire original package is included.
Contact Bare Bones Software for up-to-date versions and information.
• If you are a hard disk vendor which distributes PD, shareware, and
freeware on your disk drives, you are welcome to distribute BBEdit Lite.
Contact Bare Bones Software for up-to-date versions and information.
• Commercial publishers and distributors of CD-ROM software
collections, to include any and all software compilations provided as an
adjunct to printed or online publications, may not distribute BBEdit
Lite on CD-ROM without the express written permission of Bare Bones
Software, Inc.
• BBEdit Lite may be posted on an information service which charges
its users for general connection time and downloading, but it may NOT be
posted to an information service which will charge for the specific
right to download BBEdit Lite, without the express written permission of
Bare Bones Software, Inc.
• BBEdit Lite may be given away as a support utility for a package
which is itself to be given away. People who need to distribute BBEdit
LIte as a support utility should contact Bare Bones Software for
up-to-date versions and information.
BBEdit Lite is copyright ©1992-1996 by Bare Bones Software, Inc.. All
rights reserved. Address all correspondence to:
Bare Bones Software, Inc.
P.O. Box 1048
Bedford, MA 01730-1048
Phone: +1 617 778-3100
Fax: +1 617 778-3111
WWW: <http://www.barebones.com>
email: bbsw@barebones.com
Limited warranty and limitation of remedies
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The program and any support from Bare Bones Software, Inc., are provided
“as is” and without warranty, express and implied, including but not
limited to any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose. In no event will Bare Bones Software, Inc. be
liable for any damages, including lost profits, lost savings, or other
incidental or consequential damages, even if Bare Bones Software, Inc.
is advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by you
or any third party.
All products mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective holders.
This document is written by and copyright (c)1996 by Bare Bones
Software, Inc.
Information presented here is accurate as of the time of writing, but is
subject to change without notice.